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Take the Sky

General Information

Take the Sky
Artist Name: Take the Sky
Genre(s): rock,folk,progressive
Years Active: 2007 - Present

Band members:
(Bold indicates
current member.)
Related Bands: (unavailable)


Take the Sky birthed in 2007 in the home recording studio of producer/engineer Wes Deboy. Aaron Day was invited to run drum tracks for an acoustic project of Jason Chapel's. Impressed by the sessions, the project quickly evolved into a four piece alternative rock outfit. With a handful of songs, Take the Sky began playing locally in Indianapolis music scene. In March 2008, a few changes were made in the lineup and cued the addition of Cameron Yamashita on lead guitar and David Hughes on bass. TTS soon returned to Deboy's studio to record a six track self titled EP. Throughout the summer and fall of 2008, the four found themselves gaining a small following through Indianapolis with their strong live performances. Catching a fortunate opportunity to record with Deboy in the Letterman Studios at Ball State University, Take the Sky recorded the five songs that would later complete their first album. The following winter brought an opportunity to road test the material, from Toledo to Chicago and many points in between. After having a little over a year performing as a band, they put together their latest tracks with the EP and released its first album, "Squares for Circles". The debut paces through different mediums of genre, from rock to folk with a backbone of melodic progression. Take the Sky has prided itself on the foundation of not having a ceiling of musical confinement. The standard has become molding instrumentation and words to the same page of emotion. Though the music can pose as serious or serene, you will find sense of fervency reverberating through the cracks.
Raw but refined, this is Take the Sky.


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Listen Live:  

It's Talk Sunday!

12:00 AM: Random Access Music
1:00 AM: Anita Vokill's Return to Space
2:00 AM: Random Access Music
7:00 AM: Acoustic Block
10:00 AM: New Music Block
1:00 PM: Hard Rock/Metal Block
4:00 PM: Fringe Block
7:00 PM: Local Is Our Genre
8:00 PM: The Chris Brake Show
9:00 PM: Brother Brother Beercast
10:00 PM: Blind Pig Confessions
11:00 PM: Whiskey on the Rails

* Schedule subject to change without notice. Sorry, but that's rock and roll.