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General Information

Artist Name: Rivetshack
Genre(s): rock
Years Active: 2002 - Present

Band members:
(Bold indicates
current member.)
Gavin Haverstick Vocals, Guitar
Doug Heckman Vocals, Bass
Neal Weber Drums
Emily Frame Wilhite French Horn, Melodica
Paul Miller Guitar

Reff Szymanski, Guitar
HC Moore, Guitar
Sean Bowman, Trumpet
Chip Stapleton, Saxophone
Ryan Gibbons, Guitar
Related Bands: (unavailable)


The diverse musical backgrounds of the members of Rivetshack have made for some very interesting music over the nearly two decades the band has been together. Drawing influences from Wilco, Bright Eyes, Radiohead and more and interspersed with epic guitar hooks all woven together by Gavin Haverstick's instantly relatable lyrics, Rivetshack puts their Indiana stamp on Americana Rock.

Podcast Appearances:

Show #269

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Upcoming Dates

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