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The Cosmic Situation

General Information

The Cosmic Situation
Artist Name: The Cosmic Situation
Genre(s): Blues,Classic Rock,Funk,Fusion,Jazz,Progressive,R&B,Rock,Soul
Contact: thebluesist - at -
(317) 918-5039
Years Active: 2012 - Present

Band members:
(Bold indicates
current member.)
Brandon Boerner-Lead guitar/vox
Guy Cosby-Bass/vox
Jackson Taylor-Percussion
Related Bands: (unavailable)


Brandon Boerner formed the band and toured around Indianapolis relentlessly while writing the material for the first TCS album. The band released the first TCS album in 2013, and it can be heard on iTunes, YouTube, and Reverbnation. After the album was released, the group played Lucas Oil Stadium twice, and many other club shows around the area. Joe Frazee left the band to attend Ball State, but was replaced by a phenomenally seasoned bassist in Guy Cosby. Cosby is the ex-Kelly Richey bass player, and brings not only chops and groove but also silky smooth background vocals.

Podcast Appearances:

Show #180

Show #290

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