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An In-Snide Look #107
By: Darrin Snider (darrin at indyintune dot com)Sunday, March 16, 2014 12:00:00 PM
Fun day yesterday. Kicked off with our now bi-weekly studio day. This week joined by Johnny Lyles, Brandon/Benjamin Cannon, and Tim "Irish" Cline. Intermittently joining in were Jamie Jackson (who IS the Indianapolis music scene) and Mark "MK" Kelley, one of those UK disk jockeys that I am infamous for stalking. Mark regaled us with tales of his two world-record-breaking marathon broadcasts and an explanation of "spotted dick." Rumor has it that he and his partner-in-crime, Simon Saynor will be attempting a holy pilgrimage to Indy for a SINE FM takeover of Indy In-Tune, along with a probably live showcase (I'm sure Mr. Sample will loan me Birdy's for the evening, if I ask nicely ... I have most of a lineup in my head, but I will, of course need volunteers to perform).
This brought up an interesting topic of discussion, and one that I will open up here to the blog: When showing two visitors form another country around Indianapolis, given they are fans of beer, music, and cuisine. We managed to piece together a small checklist, but would be interested in what others have come up with.
- The Slippery Noodle
- The Chatterbox
- The Melody Inn
- A Jamie Jackson VIP Vogue Party
- Microbrewery tour
- Pork tenderloin sandwich
- Biscuits and gravy/pancake breakfast
- A proper steak / a proper pizza
- The track/Indy 500 Museum
- Victory Field (to binge on stadium hot dogs)
Yesterday evening, of course, was Ryan Gibbon's Booty-Smackin' Birthday Bash -- Ryan of course being ex/current-Thursday Book Club, ex-Black Market Binary, ex-Half-Life, and currently a solo artist playing tomorrow night at Irish's St. Patrick's Day Bash at Birdy's. And, obviously, if you know Ryan, you know his circle, so the party was an all rock-and-roll affair with members of Coup D'Etat, Farewell Audition, Swig, and a few others that currently escape me. Thus, despite the fact that I live in Hamilton County, and despite that fact that OUR inside source at Taylor's bakery did tip us off that the cops were mobilizing en force and had just purchased EVERY doughnut in the store, I decided to venture out anyway. Let me tell you, this "Operation Pullover" stuff is no joke, just ask practically everyone whose dropped by Studio B lately, conveniently located two blocks off the sobriety checkpoint. Even if you haven't been drinking, they'll make you feel guilty about it.
But I digress, the highlight of the party was the now legendary Battle Shots tournament ... well, to be fair, I think it only went two games -- both inexplicably won by Jamie Jackson. I say "inexplicably" because, quite frankly, halfway through the first game, he was having trouble remembering the numbers of the alphabet and required a bit of assistance in pinning down a strategy -- not to mention standing up straight. Indy Mojo's Amy Foxworthy and I have decided that this must be a new TV gameshow. It's comedic, strategic, suspenseful, and frankly, anything hosted by Jamie Jackson is bound to get some audience love. If the networks don't pick it up. I'm thinking Indy In-Tune will make a UStream show out of it.
Kinda of a lazy Sunday today, but no excuse for not supporting local music. Currently camped at the bar at Studio C (Claude and Annie's Fishers) awaiting the triumphant return of Simon Saynor to the airwaves of SineFM -- I've mentioned him a few times in these pages if you go back and look. Then it's out to Castleton Grill to see Steve "The Godfather" Boller and Katie Pederson do the "Shine Local Music Spotlight." I'm a sponsor, I should probably show up to these things, right. Hope to see somebody at one of these events, otherwise I'm feeling really pathetic right about now.
Previous Post: An In-Snide Look #106 | Next Post: An In-Snide Look #108 |
Darrin Snider is the OCD music nerd responsible for creating Indy In-Tune. By day he's a cloud engineer and business analyst, but he still hopes to someday be an overnight freeform disc jockey married to the local weathergirl who happens to be a former eastern-European supermodel. |
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