The Indy In-Tune Blog

Covering you from the front row, to backstage, and right out to the alley behind the club.

Album Reivew: Brad Kleinschmidt's Gone

By: Kelly Fox -- Friday, July 17, 2015
Despite the double-take I did when looking at Brad Kleinschmidt’s name, I had no idea what to expect when I started in on his newest CD, Gone. Brad calls Muncie his hometown, really likes flannels (me too, Brad, me too), and isn’t the biggest fan of ... (Read Full Article)

Album Review: IAMLION's Vessel

By: Kelly Fox -- Thursday, July 16, 2015
I have to admit, I was nervous about doing a review for IAMLION’s new EP, “Vessel,” simply because of the stylization of the name. My fears were deepened when I saw they were opening for Slipknot at Klipsch on August 14th. It brought me back to my da... (Read Full Article)

Album Review: Chase Coy's Youth

By: Kelly Fox -- Monday, June 29, 2015
Chase Coy is described as indie-folk, a genre I am familiar with but not deeply invested in. His album, Youth has earned adjectives such as, “despicably fun” (Earmilk) and “cool, fresh, charming and easy to listen to on a loop” (Baeble). I’d have to ... (Read Full Article)

Album Review: Yukon Fox -- Release the Kraken

By: Kelly Fox -- Friday, June 19, 2015
Upon receiving the request to review Yukon Fox’s album, Release the Kraken, I was pretty stoked. I’m a big fan of nautical allusions in music, so I had high hopes. Plus, the group’s name is very appealing to someone of my lineage (see: my last name [... (Read Full Article)

Gear Up for Summer

As seen on the webcam. Are you one of those people who can't survive without copious amounts of coffee in the morning? You definitely need one of our stainless steel travel mugs. Give your caffeine the gift of style...

Solicitations and Submissions

Solicitations for blog posts can be made by sending and email to "blog -at- indyintune -dot- com" and should follow these guidelines:

  • Local (Indianapolis-based) acts always have priority.
  • Visisting acts playing a bill with one or more local acts are also considered.
  • We generally don't like to repeat content found on other sites. If your request already has a lot of coverage on other sites, it will be considered low-priority unless you can give us an exclusive angle.
  • For obvious reasons, we don't do solicited album reviews, though we do appreciate you letting us know when you have a new release. Consider coming in and talking about the album yourself live on the air or a podcast.
  • All of our staff writers are unpaid enthusiasts. All requests for blog posts are entirely at their descretion.
  • As such, they generally need a lot of lead-time to put something out -- we're talking weeks of lead time, not hours.
  • That said, individual authors have full authority to ignore the following guidelines and write whatever they want ... if you can convince them to.
  • In addition, feel free to write your own post and submit it for posting as a "guest blogger." Those almost always get accepted.
  • Finally, regional or national acts submitting without meeting the above guidelines are generally ignored. We're not trying to be dicks, but if you send us a generic form-letter with your press release, and it doesn't even remotely concern a local artist or event, then you're not part of our core focus.