The Indy In-Tune Blog

Covering you from the front row, to backstage, and right out to the alley behind the club.

An In-Snide Look: I Think I Could Get Used to this Life Sometimes

By: Darrin Snider -- Sunday, June 7, 2020
The recent popularity of live streaming shows has made me remember the pioneering days of live streaming ... and think about what this might mean for the future, particularly for people like me who don't really like the crowded venue experience.... (Read Full Article)

Top Ten Most Annoying Types of Music Fans

By: Darrin Snider -- Saturday, January 4, 2020
I know I've been reposting this to death, but since it's somewhat music-related, I figured the people here who don't follow my other stuff would appreciate it.... (Read Full Article)

Three Negative Behaviors That Are Killing Local Music

By: Lizzy B -- Thursday, January 3, 2019
I've been writing about Indianapolis music for, let's just say, a few years now. I've been a fan and attendee of local shows for even longer. During this time I've seen the scene go through more highs and lows than a bi-polar teenager on Facebook who just... (Read Full Article)

Event Page: PodConcert X -- A Hard-Rockin' Leather, Lace, and Latex Party

By: Darrin Snider -- Thursday, April 14, 2016
Old Site content... (Read Full Article)

An In-Snide Look #378: Holiday Challenge Update, Week 1

By: Darrin Snider -- Friday, December 12, 2014
Okay, folks, we're nearing the end of the first week of the Indy In-Tune Holiday challenge, and I have to say, this whole "giving spirit" thing has been an absolute blast. When I think back to nine years ago or so when Indy In-Tune was a fermenting ... (Read Full Article)

An In-Snide Look #376: Wherein a Challenge is Accepted

By: Darrin Snider -- Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Needing a blog topic today, but nothing is coming to mind, which means it's time to visit the lightning round widget ... Most Embarrassing Moment as a Musician. Go! Oh, so many to choose from, though none of them particularly embarrassi... (Read Full Article)

An In-Snide Look #374: Spread some Holiday Cheer, Local Musicians!

By: Darrin Snider -- Monday, December 8, 2014
So this is one of those unfortunate parts of being me: I'm sitting in a bar on Monday Night, drinking a couple of beers, and waiting for Monday Night Football to start. No, that's the good part, the unfortunate part is coming up, so calm down. Anyway... (Read Full Article)

An In-Snide Look #361: Wherein Darrin's Inner Psyche Is Found On YouTube

By: Darrin Snider -- Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Tuesday playlist time: I'm getting a little tired of endless lists of songs based around a genre or era. Was playing around on YouTube with the family last week and found a whole bunch of cool stuff I hadn't seen or even though of in years, really.... (Read Full Article)

An In-Snide Look #355: Wherein We Recap the Test Run of The Studio B Stage

By: Darrin Snider -- Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Well, that was fun, if not exhausting. Just completed kicking off the inaugural performance from the Studio B stage, with a small in-studio audience, and a fairly good-sized virtual audience, both on the normal Indy In-Tune Radio stream, as well as o... (Read Full Article)

An In-Snide Look #354: Wherein We Kick Off The Studio B Sessions

By: Darrin Snider -- Tuesday, November 18, 2014
So, those of you who follow the blog, know about "The Little Black Book of Indy In-Tune" -- the grimoire of ultimate wisdom that secretly powers Indy In-Tune behind the scenes. Ensconced in its pages are plans, notes, thoughts, doodles, sketches, big... (Read Full Article)

An In-Snide Look #327: Wherein We Are Annoyed by Public Radio

By: Darrin Snider -- Wednesday, October 22, 2014
We'd like to talk to you for a minute about radio.  How many times has this happened to you?  You're out on a Friday night and you see a sign for "Read Full Article)

An In-Snide Look #315 -- The Pastorale Paradox, Part Two

By: Darrin Snider -- Friday, October 10, 2014
If you had a time machine, and could go back and alter any one event in musical history, what would you change? Part Two So, in Part One I illustrated why I'm completely against saving musician's lives simply because their deaths form a part of the... (Read Full Article)

An In-Snide Look #314 -- The Pastorale Paradox, Part One

By: Darrin Snider -- Thursday, October 9, 2014
If you had a time machine, and could go back and alter any one event in musical history, what would you change? Part One Ah, yes, the old time travel paradox. Sorry, I've been an avid sci-fi fan for too many decades now to answer that question wit... (Read Full Article)

An In-Snide Look #311 -- Wherein a Conspiracy Begins

By: Darrin Snider -- Monday, October 6, 2014
I don't look at the logs very often. I usually find it somewhat depressing. On one hand, several radio personalities I know think it would be very cool to have a radio station format where you personally know all of the artists you play on a daily ... (Read Full Article)

An In-Snide Look #301 -- Wherein Lost ... Hope Is

By: Darrin Snider -- Friday, September 26, 2014
We begin with quoting four of Darrin's lesser-referenced Credo's... #74: On line dating sites are pointless. #75: You will never meet anyone who meets your impossibly high musical standards. #76: Try not to be such a snob about #75. Just mak... (Read Full Article)

An In-Snide Look #266 -- Ramble Friday

By: Darrin Snider -- Friday, August 22, 2014
Something about Test Card Music and WJJK?... (Read Full Article)

An In-Snide Look #265 -- Kenny Everett Rambles and Festival Season Previews

By: Darrin Snider -- Thursday, August 21, 2014
I'm reading/watching too much Kenny Everett stuff these days, so let's plan on going to some music festivals instead...... (Read Full Article)

An In-Snide Look #245: It's a What?!

By: Darrin Snider -- Friday, August 1, 2014
Fun night last night.  Caught part of Chris Wolf doing his shine show at Sabbatical, then popped over to Twenty Tap and had dinner and drinks with Jeff Byrd, who talked about a couple of interesting projects and made a couple of interesting prop... (Read Full Article)

An In-Snide Look #224: Wherein I Test My l33T IT Troubleshooting Skillz

By: Darrin Snider -- Friday, July 11, 2014
Funny how sometimes your anger is completely misplaced and you feel like a total idiot about it later.  Take for example my recent struggles with AT&T, who provides the Internet connectivity for myself as well as all things Indy In-Tune ... ... (Read Full Article)

An In-Snide Look #181

By: Darrin Snider -- Thursday, May 29, 2014
As has been well established, I'm a huge fan of radio -- on-line radio in particular.  Which is probably a good thing, considering how I chose to spend my free time.  The defacto tool for on-line channel surfing, and most popular app on eve... (Read Full Article)

An In-Snide Look #175

By: Darrin Snider -- Friday, May 23, 2014
Unrelated:  Blogging via phone from a barstool sucks, by the way.  I normally have a portable bluetooth keyboard for this, but today I'm all thumbs.Just when you think you're getting ahead of things ... boom.  So I'm working on the non... (Read Full Article)

An In-Snide Look #161

By: Darrin Snider -- Friday, May 9, 2014
Can't take it anymore.  Hands beginning to shake.  For those of you who don't follow my personal Twitter feed, I'm in bit of a feud with Sprint at the moment.  Around about April 30, my cell phone signal went from "acceptable" to "no l... (Read Full Article)

An In-Snide Look #158

By: Darrin Snider -- Tuesday, May 6, 2014
Honestly, I hadn't realized NUVO was so polarizing in the local music scene.  All this time, I thought it was just me.  Do a quick search of NUVO on Facebook or Twitter today, and you will see there are four types of posts:  People who... (Read Full Article)

An In-Snide Look #157

By: Darrin Snider -- Monday, May 5, 2014
I'm Scratching an item off my bucket list today.  Got an email early this morning from a friend congratulating me on being nominated for best radio station AND best radio personality.  Now, grated, I'd put the call out fo... (Read Full Article)

An In-Snide Look #137

By: Darrin Snider -- Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Yeah, sometimes even I get surprised. We've had 15 of these Monday Night Live shows now, and they've all been very different, as they were designed to be.  Much to the chagrin of the bar owners at the venues, and the equal confusion of music fan... (Read Full Article)

An In-Snide Look #136

By: Darrin Snider -- Monday, April 14, 2014
What can one say to so many great friends and supporters but ... Thank You!  And, one can probably not say it enough.  Radiothon 2014 has to rank as one of the most memorable and fun things that we've done since starting this overgrown hobb... (Read Full Article)

An In-Snide Look #135

By: Darrin Snider -- Sunday, April 13, 2014
My friend came to me ... with sadness in his eyes ... told me that he wanted help ... to help him save some lives ... Let me guess, that reference was wasted on half of you, right?... (Read Full Article)

An In-Snide Look #134

By: Darrin Snider -- Saturday, April 12, 2014
Okay, so I've got this great party planned for tomorrow, and of course those Dell Zell/Audiodacity guys have to one-up me with possibly one of the great shows and most-memorable parties of the past year.  Now, I'm on record saying that I'm somew... (Read Full Article)

An In-Snide Look #133

By: Darrin Snider -- Friday, April 11, 2014
Exciting musical weekend planned out.  I know, I say they're all exciting, but this time I really mean it.  Well, actually I meant it last time too.  I mean, I'm not exactly prone to exaggeration, so if it's a particularly exciting wee... (Read Full Article)

An In-Snide Look #130 -- Darrin's South Yorkshire Music Scene Playlist

By: Darrin Snider -- Tuesday, April 8, 2014
Tuesday playlist time: Obviously I'm an obsessive/compulsive personality, especially where music is concerned. Whenever I find a band I like, I tend to collect everything that band has done, then all of the solo albums and side projects of the ba... (Read Full Article)

An In-Snide Look #115

By: Darrin Snider -- Monday, March 24, 2014
Fun evening last night.  Got to see Tim Spainhower play Shine at the Castleton Grill. Tim is also know as the font guy in the band I'm in -- but haven't actually played with yet.  I'm told they're killer, they've got half a dozen songs read... (Read Full Article)

An In-Snide Look #108

By: Darrin Snider -- Monday, March 17, 2014
I'm having trouble figuring this one out.  Granted the guy is anything but lovable, and his personality when drinking is legendary.  Let me put it this way, I went to bartending school once (Class of February, baby!).  Any time there w... (Read Full Article)

An In-Snide Look #107

By: Darrin Snider -- Sunday, March 16, 2014
Fun day yesterday.  Kicked off with our now bi-weekly studio day.  This week joined by Johnny Lyles, Brandon/Benjamin Cannon, and Tim "Irish" Cline.  Intermittently joining in were Jamie Jackson (who IS the Indianapolis music scene) an... (Read Full Article)

An In-Snide Look #106

By: Darrin Snider -- Saturday, March 15, 2014
I'm sure this will be one of those cool stories that will go in the Indy In-Tune memoirs one day, or maybe it makes for a good quantum-reality story for Jeff DeHerdt, I don't know.  So last night Indy In-Tune got to take over the Northbound Musi... (Read Full Article)

An In-Snide Look #89

By: Darrin Snider -- Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Recorded Show #154 tonight with the boys from the Brother Brother Beercast.  This marks my second foray recently into the world of free-form open-format podcasting.  Again, I have to say, I have nothing but admiration for guys like Chris Br... (Read Full Article)

An In-Snide Look #84

By: Darrin Snider -- Friday, February 21, 2014
I'm trying to think of the last time I had a "musical cornucopia" evening.  That's my term for trying to cram as much different music from as many different sources as possible in one evening.  The tradition harkens back to the days of hopp... (Read Full Article)

An In-Snide Look #82

By: Darrin Snider -- Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Okay, so my OCD only allows me to get out of bed when the time is evenly divisible by ten. My alarm clock snoozes in increments of seven minutes. I require a MINIMUM of three snoozes on mornings after I go see live music and one additional snooze for... (Read Full Article)

An In-Snide Look #72

By: Darrin Snider -- Sunday, February 9, 2014
I keep putting off doing this post, primarily because it could so easily be turned into to one of those "name calling / starting shit" posts that I absolutely hate and generally refuse to be a part of, however, it's something that has come up multipl... (Read Full Article)

An In-Snide Look #66

By: Darrin Snider -- Monday, February 3, 2014
Back in the mid 1970's, when I first discovered radio, I was living in a small-town in southern Illinois -- the equivalent of Jasper or Bedford, I'd say.  When we weren't busy doing the stupidly dangerous things that kids did back then, single-h... (Read Full Article)

An In-Snide Look #57

By: Darrin Snider -- Saturday, January 25, 2014
Fun night of great music, of course aren’t' they all anymore?  Started off at Claude and Annie's for their anniversary party celebrating 32 years in business.  An 80's-themed event, so you know I'm all over that (he said sarcastically).&nbs... (Read Full Article)

An In-Snide Look #56

By: Darrin Snider -- Friday, January 24, 2014
I guess I've kinda been in my own little world lately -- or more like I've been listening to the rest of the world, because...  The radio ratings are in!  The Radio Ratings are in!Yes, for the 18th month in a row, Indy In-Tune has failed to... (Read Full Article)

An In-Snide Look #52

By: Darrin Snider -- Monday, January 20, 2014
The ability for people to try to stir shit up never ceases to amaze me.  Already I've gotten posts and messages from people implying some sort of feud brewing between Indy In-Tune and Radio Free Indy.  Come on, those guys are still in the l... (Read Full Article)

An In-Snide Look #51

By: Darrin Snider -- Sunday, January 19, 2014
Oy vey, I think it's safe to say that if you wake up missing a body part, then it was a successful party.  Last night was Jamie Jackson's 33rd birthday bash – Jamie being the skin basher for Swig, general manager of Sam Ash Music, premiere spons... (Read Full Article)

An In-Snide Look #46: Darrin's Freshman Year Playlist

By: Darrin Snider -- Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Tuesday playlist time: College probably taught me nothing of value in my chosen field (computer science), as I seriously paid four years of professors to tell me that PC's were toys and beneath me. I should stick to mainframe programming. Even ind... (Read Full Article)

An In-Snide Look #41

By: Darrin Snider -- Thursday, January 9, 2014
Okay, where was I?  Ah yes, I introduced you to "The Enforcers" yesterday -- the jack-booted elitists who patrol the sidewalks of Broad Ripple like fifth grade lunch room monitors looking for people who didn’t drink their milk before heading str... (Read Full Article)

An In-Snide Look #40

By: Darrin Snider -- Wednesday, January 8, 2014
You know, you would think that after a fashion I would learn.  There are so many life lessons that get put down in blog rants, tweets, Facebook posts and the like.  I remember, for example, that certain things were never meant to be togethe... (Read Full Article)

An In-Snide Look #39

By: Darrin Snider -- Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Finally make it out!  Feel like I got paroled.  Managed to nurse the 115 horse-power open sleigh across the frozen tundra to Claude and Annies for dinner and a couple of beers.  Fortunatley there were a few friends in the same sled who... (Read Full Article)

An In-Snide Look #38

By: Darrin Snider -- Monday, January 6, 2014
Survived the night.  Lights flickered a couple of times, but no power failures forcing me to flee to a posh hotel jacuzzi or anything.  Water still works, no sign of forzen pipes yet.  I’m a bit disappointed about all this, actually. &... (Read Full Article)

An In-Snide Look #37

By: Darrin Snider -- Sunday, January 5, 2014
Snowpocalypse is here!  Well, okay, it was a few hours late arriving, but at least it turned out to be everything we were promised so far.  I managed to shovel the drive twice, and really should have gotten out for a third pass, just to kee... (Read Full Article)

An In-Snide Look #36: Snowpocalypse - T Minus 5 Hours

By: Darrin Snider -- Saturday, January 4, 2014
Snowpocalypse: T Minus 5 Hours. I’ve decided that I’m going to die in this weather event. I’ve flat out refused to buy eggs. I’ve understood the irrational French Toast theory. If we’re going to lose power and freeze to death, I fail to see how e... (Read Full Article)

An In-Snide Look #35

By: Darrin Snider -- Friday, January 3, 2014
Snowpocalypse: T Minus 2 Days. Here we go again. Already getting warnings about major snow and the coldest temperatures in 20 years next week, and I haven’t even gotten around to shoveling the driveway after the one earlier this week. No doubt co... (Read Full Article)

An In-Snide Look #34

By: Darrin Snider -- Thursday, January 2, 2014
Feels like a Monday.  Still not back up to full strength from the New Year’s debacle, though I am finding out about more and more embarrassing stuff I apparently said that I don’t remember saying.  It’s amusing going back and trying t... (Read Full Article)

An In-Snide Look #33

By: Darrin Snider -- Wednesday, January 1, 2014
Oh man, somebody tell the guy with the jackhammer to lay off.  Yeah, I wasn’t going to get drunk last night, and had made a really good effort at it up until about 12:15 when barkeep extraordinaire asked if I wanted some more champagne.  He... (Read Full Article)

An In-Snide Look #32

By: Darrin Snider -- Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Ah, New Year’s Eve.  Seems like a few years ago, this was my favorite holiday since it really didn’t involve anything other than having a bunch of friends over and drinking a lot.  These days, it’s really just the last annoying holiday to c... (Read Full Article)

An In-Snide Look #31

By: Darrin Snider -- Monday, December 30, 2013
This whole week between Christmas and New Year’s thing is really just a complete waste of time, right?  They should probably either just give everyone the week off, or push the holidays closer together.  Pretty much I spent the entire day a... (Read Full Article)

An In-Snide Look #24

By: Darrin Snider -- Monday, December 23, 2013
So, I really didn’t take time yesterday to sufficiently praise the band Swig for a fantastic set last Saturday night, and to state for the record, how thoroughly disappointed I will be if it does, indeed, turn out to be their f... (Read Full Article)

An In-Snide Look #23

By: Darrin Snider -- Sunday, December 22, 2013
So I’m growing weary of being that weird guy in the bar typing on his a laptop, so I’m scouring the north side of Indianapolis looking for a new place to that weird guy in the bar typing on his laptop.  This is my third secret location this week... (Read Full Article)

An In-Snide Look #22

By: Darrin Snider -- Saturday, December 21, 2013
I still lament the fact that no weather person or computer algorithm can seem to crack the mystery of Indiana weather.  Snowpocalypses become light dustings, record heat warnings barely crack the 90 degree mark, and what they said was going to b... (Read Full Article)

An In-Snide Look #21

By: Darrin Snider -- Friday, December 20, 2013
Ahhhh, Friday at last, and a particularly productive week compared to most.  Saw plenty of great music, with more still to come tomorrow night with Mighty Mia's birthday bar crawl and the Swig/NPC show at Three-D's tomorrow night.  Also loo... (Read Full Article)

An In-Snide Look #20

By: Darrin Snider -- Thursday, December 19, 2013
Sleep deprivation -- or as I think of it, training for the world record longest broadcast next spring -- is beginning to take its toll.  I think I'm running on about 3-4 hours a sleep per night for the last two weeks at least.  See, th... (Read Full Article)

An In-Snide Look #19

By: Darrin Snider -- Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Much grumbling on the Facebook page today about the lightning round question.  Sorry folks, these were all randomly chosen and pre-programmed to be tweeted and posting weeks ago.  It's not like I sit around looking for something to get ever... (Read Full Article)

An In-Snide Look #18

By: Darrin Snider -- Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Oh, crap, so you mean it's only, like, one week until Christmas?  Did you ever notice how much easier Christmas shopping was back when you physically bought books, CD's, movies, and the like?  I remember going to Borders, or even better, Me... (Read Full Article)

An In-Snide Look #17

By: Darrin Snider -- Monday, December 16, 2013
There's 106 pages to write, I got 3 pounds of coffee, 2 packs of cigarettes, there's palm trees... and it's snowing. By the way, I'm afraid some of you are no longer allowed to be friends with me because you stared blankly at that reference.  Ma... (Read Full Article)

An In-Snide Look #16

By: Darrin Snider -- Sunday, December 15, 2013
I really hate all this crappy weather. This has been my first music-free weekend in at least a year.  I've become irritable, and my hands are shaking.  I've taken to cooking, despite the fact that I almost never eat at home.  I just en... (Read Full Article)

An In-Snide Look #15

By: Darrin Snider -- Saturday, December 14, 2013
So, somewhere back in the temporary euphoria of everyone rallying to set a Guinness World Record the other day, I completely forgot to mention a great performance at Shine on the Rocks from the always astounding Jenn Cristy and greatly under-apprecia... (Read Full Article)

An In-Snide Look #14

By: Darrin Snider -- Friday, December 13, 2013
"Gutted" was the phrase Mark Kelley used, and somehow I too feel a measure of personal loss at this.  Apparently a DJ team out of India has set the new world record for longest radio broadcast at just over 84 hours, taking the honor from our fri... (Read Full Article)

An In-Snide Look #13

By: Darrin Snider -- Thursday, December 12, 2013
Kolo Bell's open mic tonight, as is standard operating procedure every Wednesday night.  Great time as always hanging out with the usual crew, despite some dalliances into "heavy topics" and the end that I just have to avoid any time they come u... (Read Full Article)

An In-Snide Look #12

By: Darrin Snider -- Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Cool happenstance last night.  Tweeted one of my favorite Ryan M. Brewer lyrics from the show ...Innocence is like money in the dryer. You weren't aware you had any of it prior. Then you lose it; so now it's gone. Tell me, how much are... (Read Full Article)

An In-Snide Look #11

By: Darrin Snider -- Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Ah, Tuesday.  Nice stressful day at the old day job, which is okay, normally there are definitely worse jobs out there.  Working on a big proposal which requires some really big document to get written in the next 8 hours.  I'd have fi... (Read Full Article)

An In-Snide Look #10

By: Darrin Snider -- Monday, December 9, 2013
Caught Megan Hopkins and Dave Vogt at Castleton Grill last night.  Great time.  Amusing to see so many of the music scene's kids in one place playing together, the Jackson's, the Vogt's, the Hopkinses, and mine.  Jamie Jackson took the... (Read Full Article)

An In-Snide Look #9

By: Darrin Snider -- Sunday, December 8, 2013
^%$#@!-ing hangover!  Okay, raise your hand if you didn't see that coming.  In retrospect, it's probably a good thing that Dell Zell cancelled last minute.  Well, that and I teased Irish about not counting Dell Zell in until you actual... (Read Full Article)

An In-Snide Look #8

By: Darrin Snider -- Saturday, December 7, 2013
Saturday morning, my favorite time of the week.  Kiddo is still out, coffee is brewed, dishes are done, music is going, time for the weekly administrative duties: running through submissions, changing out next week's programming, catc... (Read Full Article)

An In-Snide Look #7

By: Darrin Snider -- Friday, December 6, 2013
As predicted, mad rush to get The Rock Show out on time tonight.  I really need to start making these people submit finished shows, or at least make them submit everything for the show.  I love Mia to death, but she has this unfortunate ten... (Read Full Article)

An In-Snide Look #6

By: Darrin Snider -- Thursday, December 5, 2013
Fun night for music.  I've missed only a handful of Kolo Bell's open mic nights at Claude and Annie's over the past 5+ years.  Heck, I was a regular back when Rory Connolly of the Great Hookup ran them for the year before that.  It's b... (Read Full Article)

An In-Snide Look #5

By: Darrin Snider -- Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Feeling kind of productive today.  Baked and decorated two dozen cookies with Lil' Q while listening to the inaugural "Sound Check with Irish," got some cleanup work done on cleaning up the blog section of the site, and managed to piece together... (Read Full Article)

An In-Snide Look #4

By: Darrin Snider -- Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Interesting thread developing from this morning's "Lightning Round" question, (If you could rid the world of one song...).  It seems, while we all pretty much have our opinions about what constitutes good music, we're all in nearly-unanimous agr... (Read Full Article)

An In-Snide Look #3

By: Darrin Snider -- Monday, December 2, 2013
Check it out ... three days in a row!  I'm a bloggin' fool!It's not every day you get to take a redhead out for breakfast.  Of course she usually doesn't have a full beard ... or a penis ... but whatever ... I'm a lonely man ... don't judge... (Read Full Article)

An In-Snide Look #2

By: Darrin Snider -- Sunday, December 1, 2013
Day 2 was slightly more productive than the previous day.  Spent the afternoon working with Irish on the inaugural episode(?) of "The Soundcheck ... With Irish." (Tangent: Did you know our lawyers said we have to always include the last part of ... (Read Full Article)

An In-Snide Look #1

By: Darrin Snider -- Saturday, November 30, 2013
Okay, we're going to try something new here.  As my New Year's resolution every year is to start blogging seriously, I figured I'd start early by getting in the habit a month or so beforehand, that way this will be old hat.  Nothing fancy, ... (Read Full Article)

What Your Taste in LOCAL Music Says About You ... In the Sack

By: Darrin Snider -- Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Even more dreaded than the quintessential first date question: What kind of music are you into?  Is the one that inevitably follows: Who is your favorite local band? Well, okay, maybe it only follows if you're on a first date with me.  That... (Read Full Article)

Stop Giving Your Music Away!

By: Darrin Snider -- Tuesday, October 1, 2013
I've got a few pet peeves when it comes to music marketing.  Admittedly, some of them are just my own personal tastes; some come from just general business sense (yes I know some of you don't consider this a business).  The big one that ... (Read Full Article)

Whacha Gonna Do When the Well Runs Dry?

By: Darrin Snider -- Tuesday, September 24, 2013
I recently read a very telling article in Billboard Magazine.  For those of you who are averse to reading Billboard Magazine (hey, can't fault you for having taste), allow me to summarize.  Here are the top ten touring artists over the past... (Read Full Article)

Everybody's a Promoter

By: Darrin Snider -- Tuesday, September 17, 2013
I am constantly inundated with complaints and horror stories about various venues and "promoters" around town.  By the same token, I am friends with most of these same venues and "promoters" who inundate me with horror stories about bands.  ... (Read Full Article)

Habits of Highly Successful Bands

By: Darrin Snider -- Tuesday, September 10, 2013
I recently read an article by a former music exec where he listed seven things you need to have in order to succeed in the music business.  The one thing I noted, and I thought it was subtle that he did not expound on this further, was that "tal... (Read Full Article)

Performing Rights Organizations: Friend or Foe?

By: Darrin Snider -- Tuesday, September 3, 2013
One question is asked of me quite frequently, and for some reason, I've heard it multiple times this week.  I have no idea why I should be the expert on this, but since I am directly affected by it, and have already had to throw this out in ... (Read Full Article)

Gettin Ready for the Rollout

By: Darrin Snider -- Thursday, August 22, 2013
You know what, I've prated about this time and time before, and I'm sure I'll prate about it again in the future, and if people actually disagreed with me I wouldn't get so many "You are sooooo right!" high fives whenever I post one of these.  A... (Read Full Article)

This is your Business

By: Brandon Cannon -- Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Video killed the radio star, or did it?  In 1981, MTV’s iconic spaceman was introduced for the first time.  Some conservative music critics might argue this began the demise of rock and roll.  Let’s keep in mind, some of the same criti... (Read Full Article)

I Dream of Things That Never Were and Ask Why Not?

By: Darrin Snider -- Thursday, August 8, 2013
Many of you know, Indy IN-Tune started as a music podcast seven years ago that was originally intended to be a business podcast for a web portal to be built by a software company that I used to be part owner of.  (Take a deep breath and reread t... (Read Full Article)

Fans by the Numbers

By: Darrin Snider -- Wednesday, July 31, 2013
I had an interesting exchange this morning with a local promoter/manager whom I greatly admire and respect.  I guess he was feeling a bit down about lack of enthusiasm or participation from "fans."  Now, he’s not the sort who blames fans, v... (Read Full Article)

Helping the Scene

By: Brandon Cannon -- Wednesday, July 17, 2013
I feel we all agree that there are difficult times for anybody trying to make a career in the music business. Performers, venue managers, booking agents and promoters are all locked in a vicious cycle that forces each of them to look out for their own imme... (Read Full Article)

Hate Leads to Anger ... wait ... no ... Hate Leads to Fear …

By: Darrin Snider -- Sunday, July 7, 2013
So remember a few months back when I was touting the wonders of Spotify, voyeuristic consumption, and how cool it was that we’re finding ways to make music a social experience again? Yeah, I take it all back. I think I’ve already mentioned the fatal flaw i... (Read Full Article)

Local Depends Largely on Where You're Coming From

By: Darrin Snider -- Tuesday, July 2, 2013
I'm not one for whiny, preachy, or even overly-serious blog posts. Self-indulgent, yes, but I generally try to shy away from negativity (except in a few well-deserved cases, and almost always when I'm defending my opinion against someone who I fully belie... (Read Full Article)

Some are Shout-Outs … Some are Tombstones …

By: Darrin Snider -- Friday, June 14, 2013
Had some free time and have been wanting to do this for a while. I made this poster of radio stations, past and present, that have influenced and inspired me -- some as a little kid staring at the glow of a transistor radio on the table next to his bed; o... (Read Full Article)

Companions Unobtrusive and Endless Compromises

By: Darrin Snider -- Sunday, May 5, 2013
While there are no doubt a number of excellent music listening services out there, I think the real killer app, the one that makes me discard my allegiances to Amazon Cloud, TuneIn, Winamp, and most-recently Spotify and put everything under a single banner... (Read Full Article)

Don’t Let the Moonshine Cry Up the Night

By: Darrin Snider -- Sunday, April 28, 2013
Obviously I am a voracious consumer of music, and for the past decade or so, it's been all about maintaining a constant stream of new music I've never heard before. While there are, and will always be, an elite order of artists and albums enshrined in my ... (Read Full Article)

All I’ve Got Is a Beat Up Chair, a Mattress, a Fork, and Another to Spare…

By: Darrin Snider -- Sunday, April 21, 2013
Have I publicly swooned over Brandon Cannon on here yet and how great it is to finally have someone around here that not only gets the importance of the written word when it comes to music, but also loves to write long, in-depth articles and blog posts — A... (Read Full Article)

An Even Bigger Show

By: Darrin Snider -- Tuesday, April 9, 2013
A little history was made this week. Most of you probably didn't even know about it; others of you probably followed my posts a bit befuddled; the coolest of you joined me in rooting it on. I just figured, since I'm due for a blog post anyway, I might as... (Read Full Article)

Where My Ears Wander – Part 2: Internet Radio

By: Darrin Snider -- Tuesday, March 6, 2012
As I mentioned in part one of this series, I am quite fond of terrestrial radio, particularly terrestrial radio from parts of the world where I've never been and where the iron fist of Clear Channel has not put a stranglehold on personality and individuali... (Read Full Article)

Where My Ears Wander – Part 1: Underground/Community Radio

By: Darrin Snider -- Monday, March 5, 2012
Sure, I've logged my fair share of hours in front of the ol' boob tube, at least until I gave it up several years back in favor of pastimes that lend themselves towards tangible creative output. Before I bought that first black and white set with the mone... (Read Full Article)

Some Days, I Just Wish I’d Stayed Embed(ed)

By: Darrin Snider -- Tuesday, May 17, 2011
I'm one of those people who are usually early adopters, be it technology, music, or some weird fringe underground movement. I'm also one of the last ones to notice when it's severely antiquated, or worse, completely dead. I was just another nerd with a... (Read Full Article)

The Untidy Nine Conspiracy Part One: Whatever Happened to Tim Spainhower?

By: Darrin Snider -- Thursday, October 21, 2010
I had a funny experience at the bar last night. I was in a discussion with one of the open mic players about some point of trivia involving a classic band's lineup on one particular album, or some such thing. Eventually the guy I was talking to realized ... (Read Full Article)

Tonos Triad CD Release Party

By: Tonos Triad -- Wednesday, October 20, 2010
The time has come to tell everyone about our new full-length CD, Typewriters & Tarantulas. The CD release party will be Friday, November 5 at Radio Radio ($5, doors at 8 p.m.) w/ very special guests The Accordions and Ryan Siebert. The new CD will se... (Read Full Article)

Rock and Roll Lives, And It's Sleeping with Verona Red

By: Tracy Kreuser -- Monday, October 4, 2010
Chicago's most exciting rock group, Verona Red, is playing Bear's Place in Bloomington on Friday, October 8.  Joining them on-stage will be local rockers Casket Sharp, The Constants and The 8's.   As part of Chicago's music s... (Read Full Article)

SWASO/1999 A Tribute to the Artist -- Coming to the Vogue

By: Jamie McFarlane -- Friday, September 24, 2010
The Story... SWASO is an original pop-rock group that hails from the musical hotbed of Chapel Hill, NC. SWASO, along with “1999 A Tribute to the Artist” (more on that later) will be bringing their national and international tour to The Vogue, in Indianapol... (Read Full Article)

The Streets on Fire Coming to Melody INN

By: Mike Lenz -- Wednesday, September 8, 2010
The Streets On Fire, a Chicago based post punk band will be making their Indianapolis debut Sept 15th at Melody Inn with Beta Male. Also on the bill is LA's Voxhaul Broadcast.   The Streets On Fire released their debut full lenth album, This is Fa... (Read Full Article)

Elmwood returns to Indianapolis

By: Shawn Radley -- Thursday, September 2, 2010
Nashville, Tennessee's Elmwood returns to Indianapolis at the Rathskeller on Thursday, September 9th. - Free Music, feel free to link to blogs, facebook, etc. (Read Full Article)

"The Instruction" to Play Melody Inn

By: Blake Sakal -- Friday, August 20, 2010
Louisville, Kentucky's "The Instruction" will be playing the Melody Inn this Saturday, August 27.  Biography With often dark and introspective lyrics draped over eclectic guitar riffs, The Instruction (a foursome comprised of Bla... (Read Full Article)

Attention Local Musicians: Last Chance to Apply for 2010 Rock the District

By: Megan McVicker -- Monday, May 10, 2010
Carmel, IN – The Carmel Redevelopment Commission and Arts & Design District Office are currently seeking local and regional bands to be part of this year's Rock the District event, and the application deadline is quickly approaching.  Rock the District is ... (Read Full Article)

5th Annual Rock and Read Benefit

By: Darrin Snider -- Monday, April 5, 2010
Okay, so we all know there's a recession. We all know there's a budget shortfall. We all have opinions about how the state should make up the money and whether or not cutting $300 million from education was a good idea or not. This isn't really the ve... (Read Full Article)

The 2010 Podcast Battle of the Bands

By: Darrin Snider -- Thursday, November 5, 2009
Voting ends at 11:59PM on January 31, 2010.Fans: Click here to register and vote for your favorite artists. An Idea Whose Time Has Come... How it works: Entry Fee: $5 per song (submitted as MP3 file); maximum 3 songs per act. All genres, styl... (Read Full Article)

Whatever Happened to Fridays and So Slow...

By: Darrin Snider -- Sunday, November 1, 2009
I pride myself on my diverse and tolerant musical tastes. Just last Thursday, I did my traditional "band hopping" night and caught a rock band, a jazz band, and a folk band all in the same evening, cleansing the palette on the trip in between b... (Read Full Article)

Something to Do Tomorrow Night

By: Darrin Snider -- Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Click Image for Details (Really, I just like how my logo looks along side all those big company trademarks)  We'll be recording as many episodes of Indy In-Tune as we can fit in, as well as the second episode of that "other podcast" tha... (Read Full Article)


By: Darrin Snider -- Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Word came down on Dave Lindquist's Twitter feed this afternoon:  Russ Oasis selling WKLU-FM (101.9), saying independent can't compete with ad enticements of chains. Syndicated Christian station on the way. Now there's a rush of conflicting emo... (Read Full Article)

The Podcast: Episode 202

By: Darrin Snider -- Wednesday, July 8, 2009
No, you didn't pick up the wrong feed by mistake this week.  This is a linked post to one of my favorite podcasts and radio shows over at, where I had the honor of filling in this week for IMN editor Steve Hayes, or in reality... (Read Full Article)

New Podcast in Town

By: Darrin Snider -- Wednesday, June 17, 2009
I wanted to take a few minutes and post a quick shout-out and salute to Michael A. Dyer -- who released the first episode of his new Indianapolis music-based podcast this evening entitled Crossroads Resonances (also on MySpace if you're one of the six ... (Read Full Article)

Upcoming Gig

By: Darrin Snider -- Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Someday I'm gonna get back in gear and edit the backlog of great stuff I've got sitting on the hard drive right now.  Sorry, real life kicks my butt sometimes.  In the meantime, if you're a fan of the harder stuff, take it from me, you want to ... (Read Full Article)

Your Vote Counts

By: Darrin Snider -- Thursday, May 21, 2009
Just a reminder that Nuvo: Indy's "Alternative" Voice, is holding their annual Best of  Indy 2009 poll.  Under the category of Best Local Music, obviously the only truly important one, you will find many Indy In-Tune alumni and allies... (Read Full Article)

Jeremy Vogt Band - Finalist in Breakout Bands Contest (We need your vote)

By: Jeremy Vogt -- Monday, May 4, 2009
Cool news!  We've been selected as one of 8 finalists in the RadioNow 100.9 Breakout Bands Contest.  Ultimately if we win, we will open for The Plain White T's at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway on May 16th! So, here's the rub.&nb... (Read Full Article)

Happy Record Store Day!

By: Darrin Snider -- Saturday, April 18, 2009
As if the excitement of the Battle of the Bands last night wasn't enough, today is the second annual National Record Store Day, one of the few holidays I'm pretty sure nobody had to die for.  To celebrate, three of our finest local music merchants w... (Read Full Article)

What Do You Mean You've Got Nothing to Do Tonight?

By: Darrin Snider -- Friday, April 17, 2009
Show up in your official Indy In-Tune schwag, find us as we wander around, and we'll buy you a drink, give you a big ol' bear hug, and award you 500 cool points.   ... (Read Full Article)

Support Indy Underground!

By: Darrin Snider -- Monday, April 6, 2009
If you haven't already heard, WTTS is doing a new show on Monday nights at 10:00 called Indy Underground, where they're showcasing music from the local, indie, and underground scene. Yeah, I know it's a tough time slot, but I still encourage everybody... (Read Full Article)

The Social Event of the Year ... Season ... Week!

By: Darrin Snider -- Thursday, April 2, 2009
A few local musicians (all former guests of Indy In-Tune) have expressed a desire to set up sort of a once-a-month, strictly informal "Social Gathering" for Indy-area musicians. As someone who seems to be a common link between multiple branches... (Read Full Article)

I Remember Joe

By: Darrin Snider -- Wednesday, April 1, 2009
   GUAM-SE02-2008Tribute.mp3    GUAM-SE02-2008Tribute.mp3 Just wanted to take a few minutes today and remember podcasting pioneer Joe Murphy (1972-2007). Can't say much else that hasn't already been said ... (Read Full Article)

:: Call to Action: Vote for Chris Wolf!

By: Chris Wolf -- Thursday, March 26, 2009
Hey! Check this out!! I could use a little Hoosier help to get Indiana to recognize a song I wrote!!Could I get your vote, please? Here is a cut and paste from an email I received last week."Dear Chris,The International Songwriting Competition (ISC... (Read Full Article)

The Day of Darkness is Coming

By: Darrin Snider -- Thursday, March 19, 2009
Fellow Indianapolis Podcaster Zack Daggy (Mothpod, The Pod5, Shameless Plugcast, Hot Cocoa Masterminds, et al.) has got a little contest out there ... if you help spread the darkness by getting your friends to sign up to his newsletter, then not only wi... (Read Full Article)

Former Guests are Big Losers!?

By: Darrin Snider -- Monday, March 2, 2009
Sometimes you're just a few days off when you're recording these things.  Last night and the Upshot show at Birdy's, I learned that the band will be featured on an upcoming episode of NBC's The Biggest Loser.  (No, not as contestants.)   ... (Read Full Article)

Jenn Cristy Interview Rescheduled

By: Darrin Snider -- Wednesday, January 14, 2009
It is with regret that I announce this Friday's scheduled live interview (and Indy In-Tune's return from hiatus) with Jenn Cristy at the Fox Pub in Oaklandon has been cancelled.  Apparently, and without warning, the Fox Pub closed its doors l... (Read Full Article)

Straight No Chasers Delivers the 'Holiday Spirits'

By: Jason 'BNPositive' Bean -- Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Reposted from: ichooseindy.comOkay folks, normally I'm one of those people who gets frustrated when retail stores cram the last holidays of the year together and rush into the Christmas holidays right along with Halloween and Thanksgiving. I've... (Read Full Article)

Former Guest Signs with Gracie Productions / EMI

By: Darrin Snider -- Thursday, October 30, 2008
Nuff said, and congrats to friend of the show Jenn Cristy (Show #012) ... Digital Promotion AD... (Read Full Article)

:: Vote Mothpod!

By: Zach Daggy -- Monday, October 27, 2008
Reposting this for fellow Indianapolis Podcaster Zach "Mothman" Daggy ... show your support for the hometown team and VOTE!  The only thing I'll add that he didn't say is LISTEN as well ... he's got a great show featuring some of the best ... (Read Full Article)

New Tish Lyndsey Web Site

By: Darrin Snider -- Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Our favorite "little singer girl," Tish Lyndsey (Show #016) just launched a beautifully redesigned website complete with a new blog and some tasty new tunes.Visit her at, check out a new video release here...In the Spotli... (Read Full Article)

Record Labels Aren't Venture Capitalists

By: Darrin Snider -- Wednesday, May 21, 2008
This is a fascinating and enligtening look into the mentality of the recording and publishing industry...David Rose: Record Label's Aren't Venture Capitalists... (Read Full Article)

:: Sweet Dilemma WZPL 99.5 Featured Artist

By: Sweet Dilemma -- Friday, May 16, 2008
Sweet Dilemma (Show #020) will be this week's featured artist on Kelly McKay's "Homegrown Buzz" on WZPL 99.5 You can request the song "Love" via email anytime starting NOW! or Kelly McKay or call toll free:  (... (Read Full Article)

:: ESW on National Public Radio

By: ESW -- Sunday, May 4, 2008
ESW (Show #009) was recently featured on National Public Radio. "Sufi Nightmare", from their self titled debut release, was included on NPR's "Day To Day" with hosts Madeleine Brand and Alex Chadwick. The song appears as a segue at... (Read Full Article)

:: RIAA Study: Music Piracy More Common Than High-Fives, Bicycle Trips

By: Electronic Frontier Foundation -- Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Findings from a two-year study released Monday by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) indicate that illicit music downloads among young adults are more popular than PB & J, high-fives, and all-around good times combined. "Wit... (Read Full Article)

:: Campus Copyright Mandates Threaten Financial Aid Funds

By: Electronic Frontier Foundation -- Wednesday, November 14, 2007
The U.S. House of Representatives' latest higher education bill includes nasty requirements for "Campus-Based Digital Theft Prevention," mandating that schools plan to provide legal downloading alternatives and that campuses consider policing c... (Read Full Article)

:: NPR Covers RIAA Folly; VCL Plans Entering the Mainstream

By: Electronic Frontier Foundation -- Wednesday, September 26, 2007
For years now, EFF has been arguing against the strongarm tactics of the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) and its vain attempt to stop filesharing by dragging music fans into court. At the same time, we've also been tirelessly promoting t... (Read Full Article)

:: Jeremy Vogt at Midpoint Music Festival

By: Jeremy Vogt -- Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Friends, This Friday night at 10pm The Jeremy Vogt Band (Show #004) will perform at the very highly-regarded MidPoint Music Festival in Cincinnati. The MidPoint Music Festival is an organization that works year round to help bring talented indepen... (Read Full Article)

Podcasting Marathon...

By: Darrin Snider -- Monday, September 10, 2007
Just a quick post to remind you guys that we will be doing a marathon of podcasts episodes (at least as many as we can arrange) this Saturday at the Kammy's Kause (website / myspace) benefit in Fortville -- courtesy of our friends at (website /... (Read Full Article)

:: Agreement Reached to Remove Billion Dollar Threat to Webcasters

By: Darrin Snider -- Thursday, August 23, 2007
For Immediate Release Contact: Jake Ward (SaveNetRadio)(202) 420-8056Dima and SoundExchange Set Annual Minimum FeeWASHINGTON D.C. -- The SaveNetRadio coalition of webcasters, net radio listeners, and the artists they support has announced its endorsement o... (Read Full Article)

:: Emergency for Internet Radio!

By: Tim Westergren -- Thursday, July 12, 2007
Hi, it's Tim one more time...Disaster looms! Yesterday a federal court denied a plea to delay the massive increase in rates webcasters must pay the record labels.  This means that, absent immediate Congressional action, the new ruinous royalty rates w... (Read Full Article)

:: Music Webcasting Still in Danger After Small Stations Get Temporary Reprieve

By: Darrin Snider -- Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Responding to Congressional pressure, the major label-backed licensing authority SoundExchange has offered small webcasters a temporary reprieve from the Copyright Royalty Board's outrageous royalty rate increase. This is a step in the right direction, but... (Read Full Article)

:: Music Webcasting Bill Gains Momentum

By: Electronic Frontier Foundation -- Wednesday, May 16, 2007
A Senate companion to the "Internet Radio Equality Act" has now been introduced and could help save music webcasting. Due to a recent ruling by the Copyright Royalty Board, the government-set rates that most Net radio providers pay to license sou... (Read Full Article)

:: Live Recording at the Jazz Kitchen 06/09/07

By: Jeff DeHerdt -- Monday, May 14, 2007
Jeff DeHerdt (Show #005: CA3) will be recording the performance at the Jazz Kitchen Saturday 06/09/07 at 9:00pm for broadcast and/or download via internet. The concert will feature a different band than has been on previous recordings. Josh Silbert (S... (Read Full Article)

No Autographs, Please ...

By: Darrin Snider -- Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Hey, who is that handsome mug giving his "local celebrity picks" on page 1 of the 2007 Nuvo Nightlife Guide? No, not Chuck Workman (one of the few guys I would happily take second billing to) ... the other one ... on the right side ...... (Read Full Article)

The Results Are In

By: Darrin Snider -- Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Of course, I had a few nominations I wanted to add, but the voters have spoken ... and I really can't argue with them. Worst Company of the Year ... (Read Full Article)

:: Benefit Next Friday Night. . .

By: Tish Lyndsey -- Friday, April 6, 2007
Our friends in Africa are in the midst of a holocaust; find out how you can help. From Indy to Africa presents: Women for Women.A night of rock, soul, and spoken word; by women - for the women of Africa.Featuring:  Tasha Jones; Jenn Cristy; Tish Lynds... (Read Full Article)

:: RIAA to Parents: Pay When They're Toddlers and Save the Bother Later

By: Electronic Frontier Foundation -- Sunday, April 1, 2007
The RIAA today sent a "settlement letter" to all parents of children under 3 years old offering a toddler settlement rate for online copyright infringement if they simply send payment to major record labels before their children learn to read. &... (Read Full Article)

:: RIAA to Universities: Help Us Threaten Your Students

By: Electronic Frontier Foundation -- Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Not content with wasting universities' resources via their usual tactics -- i.e., flooding them with machine-generated complaints about file sharing -- the major record labels are now demanding that universities help them shake down students. The RIAA... (Read Full Article)

:: Tammy Dial Day

By: Johnny Lyles -- Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Sunday, March 25th, Into the Mystic is hostinga benefit for their friend Tammy Dial, sponsored by Lonewolf Media Entertainment, and MCed by Darrin of "Indy In-Tune" Tammy has terminal metastatic melanoma, and this past September was given about 8... (Read Full Article)

:: New Retroactive Fees Could Silence Many Small Webcasters

By: Randall Krause -- Saturday, March 3, 2007
The new compulsory license fees for U.S. Webcasters were announced on Friday, March 2. As expected, all arguments put forth by Webcasters were rejected outright by the Copyright Royalty Board.A panel of industry representatives including DiMA had request... (Read Full Article)

:: Action Alert - Support the FAIR USE Act! ::

By: Electronic Frontier Foundation -- Wednesday, February 28, 2007
A critical copyright reform bill has just been introduced in the House, and we need your help to push it through. Reps. Rick Boucher and John Doolittle's FAIR Use Act would remove some of the entertainment industry's most draconian anti-innovation weapons ... (Read Full Article)

Outgeek the Music Geek

By: Darrin Snider -- Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Okay, here's your chance to outgeek the music geek. I only scored 33. Though, I suppose it's a hreflection on how out of touch I am with mainstream music that I recognize Wishbone Ash and Marillion instantly, but completely pooch Aerosmith and CSN? ht... (Read Full Article)

Just a Little Ranting

By: Darrin Snider -- Sunday, November 5, 2006
I've gotta say, there are those times when I feel like everything I'm trying to do with this podcast/life-consuming obsession of mine is falling on deaf ears. Case in point, last night I recorded an interview on-location with The Dirty Third, a great bu... (Read Full Article)

Should I Be Flattered or Insulted

By: Darrin Snider -- Friday, August 4, 2006
I suppose this is funny.  Not sure what to think about it.  Most music podcasters (myself included) struggle to find their own voice by emmulating drive time or morning zoo radio.   Which is fine, not very original, but we own up to it ... (Read Full Article)

Interview Prep Sheet

By: Darrin Snider -- Saturday, April 1, 2006
Okay, for those of you who will be appearing on Indy In-Tune in the near future, here are some guidelines we put together.  Remember that it's your show though, so if you've got a crazy idea for a new format, run it by us, odds are we'll let you run... (Read Full Article)

Gear Up for Summer

Ladies, don't you hate buying generic (unisex) T-shirts? We've got you covered with a line of womens'-fit clothing in a variety of styles and colors. Check Out Our Specials This Week...

Solicitations and Submissions

Solicitations for blog posts can be made by sending and email to "blog -at- indyintune -dot- com" and should follow these guidelines:

  • Local (Indianapolis-based) acts always have priority.
  • Visisting acts playing a bill with one or more local acts are also considered.
  • We generally don't like to repeat content found on other sites. If your request already has a lot of coverage on other sites, it will be considered low-priority unless you can give us an exclusive angle.
  • For obvious reasons, we don't do solicited album reviews, though we do appreciate you letting us know when you have a new release. Consider coming in and talking about the album yourself live on the air or a podcast.
  • All of our staff writers are unpaid enthusiasts. All requests for blog posts are entirely at their descretion.
  • As such, they generally need a lot of lead-time to put something out -- we're talking weeks of lead time, not hours.
  • That said, individual authors have full authority to ignore the following guidelines and write whatever they want ... if you can convince them to.
  • In addition, feel free to write your own post and submit it for posting as a "guest blogger." Those almost always get accepted.
  • Finally, regional or national acts submitting without meeting the above guidelines are generally ignored. We're not trying to be dicks, but if you send us a generic form-letter with your press release, and it doesn't even remotely concern a local artist or event, then you're not part of our core focus.